Building Blocks

Smart Resource Labs can add technology to your existing infrastructure via IP it owns or has licensing agreements for in place. Cost-effective NRE with domain experts can bring this tech to life fast. Examples of ready-to-go technologies include:

End-to-end solution to implement professional submetering deployments.   Components include process documentation, meeting agendas, resource budgets, field templates, web-based tools, sell-sheets and pricing schedule.  The web-based tools include enterprise eGauge provisioning tool and flexible data viewer.  


Advanced microgrid monitoring solution in easy to transport field case for metering, submetering and weather data collection.   Component specification, functional requirements, CAD layout, wiring diagram, firmware, sell sheet and pricing schedule.

Automated analytic scripts for Draker, Locus and Dent datasets. Turns the time-series data collecting for years into actionable information that supports operations & maintenance teams in moving from reactive to proactive maintenance.  SRL’s retrocommissioning report establishes a baseline.  Monthly performance reports include subject matter expert analysis.

Pre-configured reports for Distributed Generation PV assets are not as useful for utility-scale PV assets, complex PV portfolios and hybrid power systems where there is a longer discovery period for customized analytics . That is why the Agile Analytic Framework was developed using standards and industry best practices.

Data-driven displays that can integrate with existing data source and / or

STEM curriculum.  

Proven Evaluation Framework to baseline your operational efficiency when it comes to making data-driven decisions.  A very effective tool for effective data management roadmapping and a tool for easy future audits.